Monday, November 4, 2013

November 2013 Update

Happy Guy Fawkes Day tomorrow! Go blow something up that needs it. I hope most of you'll take that metaphorically.

Art Update this month is a little thin; I've exhausted my updating juices (see below). But art got made, and more's on the easel; my new studio-mates are helping me pay rent on time; and there are plenty of ways you can help too, as usual!

HOLDING MY NOSE, I'VE REJOINED FACEBOOK, and from now on will use that venue to express most of my updating needs. So if it's convenient, find me there.

TWO WEEKS LEFT TO SEE THE NEW MEMBERS SHOW, called "New Members Show." We could use help coming up with names at the Storefront Studio Gallery. You can suggest some in person if you come in and see the fantastic work by the studio/gallery-mates: Shamus Langlois' clown drawings and steel sculpture, Abigail Feldman's large-scale photos of children, Dustin Smith's semi-abstract oils and acrylics, James Secor's hallucinatory cityscapes, and the usual stuff from me. Up till Sunday November 17th.

NEW HOURS START THIS WEEK at the Storefront Studio/Gallery
I copied and pasted that heading from last month's update! I'm not going to list the hours here because they're kind of complex; that's what happens when you have three gallery-sitters who all have part-time to full-time things to do elsewhere. BUT if you're curious, go visit the facebook page. I'll keep the hours current. Which leads us to...

LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS to staff the gallery odd hours-- mostly afternoons, no more than three or four hours at a time. Ideally you'd live nearby, be friendly and responsible, and bring something to do (like art!) while you keep the doors open. You'd also take the thing-to-do home with you when you leave-- as much as I'd LOVE to store everyone's art projects, space is rapidly diminishing in the studio. If you're interested, send me an email.

LOOKING FOR FLATFILES, because despite the relative recent success of my rent-paying initiatives  (thanks!), flatfiles are still very expensive. And there are more and more drawings around the place (see next item).

This has been a lot of fun, especially when there are more people than just me and the model. I try to exercise restraint and don't talk too much while drawing... in my own opinion. Of course, when everything one says is brilliant, what's "too much?" Come and you'll find out.

ART WALK FRIDAY DEC. 6 featuring SOMETHING AWESOME-- that's not the name of an artists' collective (that I know of); it's just that I'm not sure what'll be up in the gallery at that point. My excuse this month-- like last month-- is that other people are sharing the gallery now, and it's not all up to me anymore! Anyway you should plan to come; it'll be great.

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