Tuesday, October 14, 2014

October 2014 Update

Happy October!
Collage artist Ben Peberdy, also known as Deluxe Unlimited, will be featured in the gallery this time around. I just got my first in-person look at his work-- it's darn neat. High quality and priced so low that even I could afford it. I hope you'll have the chance to come see!
We have a big new space to play in! Thanks to our landlord and to a great local organization, we get a month to use the vacant space at 13 Main Street in Montpelier. Opening THIS SATURDAY OCTOBER 18th, we'll be showing new work by 13 artists including me: Toby Bartles, Michael Ciccone, Pat deGogorza, Abigail Feldman, Robert George, Katie Grauer, Glen Coburn Hutcheson, Maayan Kasimov, Katie Knoeringer, Shamus Langlois, Nicole Mandeville, John Matusz, Michael Secor, James Secor and Ashley Anne Veselis. *
I have a drawing in the ARA exhibit at the Kellogg-Hubbard Library this month. What a good place to show-- it always startles me to see the friezes (plaster casts from the Parthenon and the cantorie of Luca della Robbia and Donatello). The drawing I'm showing is old, from 2008; the friezes date slightly further back to about 2,400 years ago.
They're getting livelier and livelier; I'm going to have to start playing soothing music. If you're the type of person to keep things calm (and pay the $10 fee!), please join us! Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:30 at the studio, mostly short dynamic poses, bring your own materials but we may have an easel you can use.
The astute among you have noticed that I skipped a couple of months. I just didn't have much to say. The Art Update will be less frequent for a while, I think; I'm working happily and making things at least as regularly as ever, but for whatever reason I'm temporarily feeling less like showing off. Maybe it'll be once a season or so. In the meantime, it'd be great if you'd take a look at the various internet things I'm connected to; some of them you can sign up for, or "like," or otherwise attach yourself.
* there might be more than thirteen artists for 13@13, but why are you counting? Clearly you have time on your hands. You ought to come see some art shows!

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